
Imagine your body playing a constant game of glucose management, where the stakes are high and the rules are intricate. That’s essentially what living with diabetes feels like. But what exactly is diabetes, and why does it turn the body’s sugar-handling system into a high-stakes game?

We can help. Let’s answer the question, what is diabetes?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that changes how your body works with glucose, a sugar that’s an important source of energy.

Glucose comes from our food, and insulin, which comes from the pancreas, helps regulate the amount of glucose in your blood.

Type I Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is when your body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and gets rid of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas called beta cells.

Without enough insulin in your body, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of entering your cells for energy, leading to high blood sugar levels, a condition known as hyperglycemia.

People with Type 1 diabetes require a person to use lifelong insulin therapy to manage their blood sugar levels. You might get insulin through regular injections or an insulin pump.

The particular cause of Type 1 diabetes is not fully understood. It is believed to result from a mixture of genetic predisposition and different environmental reasons, such as viral infections, that trigger an autoimmune response against the beta cells in the pancreas.

Type 1 diabetes often triggers during childhood or a person’s teenage years but it can occur at any age. It’s less common than Type 2 diabetes, accounting for less than ten percent of all diagnosed cases of diabetes.

Type II Diabetes

Unlike Type 1 diabetes, where the body doesn’t produce enough insulin due to autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells, Type 2 diabetes involves a combination of insulin resistance (cells not responding effectively to insulin) and inadequate insulin secretion by the pancreas.

There are lots of possible causes of Type 2 diabetes. They can include genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors (such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet), and metabolic factors. Insulin resistance plays a central role.

Untreated or poorly treated Type 2 diabetes can lead to major health complications over time.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a specific form of diabetes that develops when a person is pregnant. It’s when a person has higher blood sugar levels occurring when the body is unable to make up enough insulin to meet the higher demands of pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes typically comes up in the second or third trimester and usually clears up after childbirth. However, it requires proper medical management to prevent complications for both the mother and the baby.

Untreated or poorly managed gestational diabetes can increase the risk of complications for the mother, including preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy), cesarean delivery, and a higher risk of ending up with Type 2 diabetes later.

Pregnant people are typically checked for gestational diabetes sometime in the second trimester of pregnancy. If the initial gestational diabetes screening indicates elevated blood sugar levels, more specialized testing is done to confirm the gestational diabetes diagnosis.

Diabetes Side Effects

Diabetes can lead to a range of side effects and complications, especially if it’s not well-managed. 

Diabetes raises the possibility of developing different cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease. Regularly high blood sugar levels can damage your blood vessels and lead to atherosclerosis. That can impair blood flow to vital organs.

Diabetes can affect the digestive system. That leads to complications such as gastroparesis (delayed stomach emptying), which can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, bloating, and erratic blood sugar levels.

Uncontrolled diabetes can affect reproductive health. It can lead to uncomfortable issues such as erectile dysfunction, menstrual irregularities, infertility, and pregnancy complications. 

Diabetes can cause various eye problems. Examples include diabetic retinopathy (damage to the blood vessels in the retina), diabetic macular edema (swelling in the macula, affecting central vision), cataracts, and glaucoma. Left untreated, these dangerous eye conditions can lead to vision impairment or blindness.

Diabetes Treatment

Proper treatment will help you avoid more significant issues with your diabetes, like diabetic wounds.

A balanced diet including a variety of fruits, vegetables, healthy whole grains, diverse proteins, and good fats can help regulate blood sugar levels. Monitoring carbohydrate intake, portion sizes, and meal timing is crucial, especially for individuals with diabetes.

Physical activity is super helpful for managing diabetes. It can boost insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, and promote overall health. Try and get at least two hours of aerobic exercise each week. Incorporate strength training exercises, too.

There are ways you can treat different symptoms of diabetes. There are shoes out there that help with diabetic neuropathy, for example.

Tips for Living With Diabetes

Living with diabetes involves adopting a proactive approach to managing your health and well-being.

Take the time to learn about diabetes, including its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and potential complications. Attend diabetes education programs, read reliable sources of information, and ask questions to your healthcare team.

Check your feet daily and watch out for any signs of cuts, sores, blisters, or infections. Keep your feet clean, trimmed, and moisturized, wear comfortable and properly fitting shoes, and don’t walk barefoot. Get quick medical attention if you’re having any foot issues.

Build a strong support network of family, friends, healthcare providers, and diabetes support groups. Share your experiences, concerns, and successes with others who understand and can provide encouragement and practical advice.

Schedule regular check-ups with your diabetes healthcare provider to monitor your diabetes control, screen for complications, and adjust your treatment plan as needed. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations, eye exams, foot exams, kidney function tests, and other recommended screenings.

Take your prescribed medications, including insulin or oral medications, as directed by your healthcare provider.

Follow the recommended dosage and timing. Communicate any concerns or side effects you’re struggling with with your diabetes healthcare team.

What Is Diabetes? Now You Know

What is diabetes? It’s a complicated answer. Now that you know the different types and signs, you’ll be able to watch out for diabetes symptoms in yourself and your loved ones.

Are you looking into your healthcare options? Check out Family Medicine Austin. We help people over the age of 4 with all of their different healthcare needs. Our reviews from past patients show off our track record of success.

Contact us today.

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions in the United States, and diabetes neuropathy is one of its most common complications. It is estimated that around 20-30% of people with type I or type II diabetes will develop it at some point. For around 15%, the condition is painful. 

Diabetes neuropathy is the medical term for nerve damage that results from diabetes. While it can happen anywhere in the body where nerves are present, it’s most common in the hand, feet, and limbs. It can’t currently be cured, but it can be managed and prevented from getting any worse.

Join us as we take a deep dive into what you can do to live your best life with diabetes neuropathy.

Blood Sugar Management

Good diabetes management and the control of diabetes neuropathy go hand in hand. According to the Mayo Clinic, high blood sugar levels are particularly damaging. You may feel nerve damage in your legs, hands, and feet, but further damage may be done internally to your digestive system and heart.

Keeping your blood sugar levels consistent can reduce the risk of further damage to your nerves, blood vessels, eyes, and other parts of your body. Some strategies to achieve consistent blood sugar include:

Healthy Nutrition

We all know that if you’re living with diabetes, you need to reduce your sugar intake. However, it’s also important to ensure your diet is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 

It’s good to limit your consumption of refined wheat flour products and replace this with whole grains. Currently, the consumption of refined grains is about 5 times that of whole grains in the United States. Some easy ways to include more whole grains include eating brown rice, using barley instead of noodles in chicken soup, and switching out oatmeal for whole grain alternatives.

Increase your consumption of whole fruits and vegetables. Skip juice and smoothies, and benefit from the vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes along with the fiber naturally present in whole fruits and veggies. It’s also good to limit your salt intake, as increased sodium can cause complications for neuropathy.

Get Active

Diabetes neuropathy has the potential to limit your mobility. So get ahead of this by increasing your activity levels, which can help to reduce pain and even support the health of your nerves. 

Consider incorporating some low-impact exercises into your daily routine. These could include gentle walking, cycling, or swimming. Getting the right footwear could make these as comfortable as possible. 

In some cases, physical therapy could also help you build muscle strength and regain some functions that your neuropathy may have limited.

Quit Smoking

Researchers believe that smoking causes oxidative stress in cells. This can make diabetes neuropathy worse, causing cell damage and death. Smoking also promotes insulin resistance, which compounds the problem.

The simple answer is to quit smoking, although it is appreciated that this is easier said than done. Your doctor can help you access smoking cessation services that can support you to achieve your goal.

Reduce Stress

Stress triggers a hormonal response in our bodies that can make diabetes neuropathy worse. The body releases cortisol and adrenaline when we are stressed, which causes inflammation. This can lead to cell and nerve damage. 

It is impossible to eliminate all stress from our lives, but stress management techniques can help if you are living with diabetes. These include:

Also, being isolated can increase our stress levels. Spending time with friends and family is a natural stress reliever.

Natural Pain Relief Techniques

Pain medications can be helpful in temporarily treating the discomfort associated with some forms of diabetes neuropathy. However, they can have side effects. Natural pain relief methods can bring many of the same benefits without the unwanted side effects.

Some natural options include:

Some of these natural supplements, such as alpha lipoid acid and chromium picolinate, are known to improve insulin sensitivity. This can support the body’s natural defenses against nerve damage.

Some people have found acupuncture helpful. It can help reduce stress and pain levels with very few side effects. Although we do not know exactly how it works, it may stimulate blood flow and release chemicals that support normal nerve function.

How Your Doctor Can Help

While you can do much to prevent the progression of diabetes neuropathy with lifestyle changes, your doctor plays a crucial role in helping you manage the condition. 

For example, your doctor may use the A1C test to determine the average of your blood sugar levels over the last three months. This can help them make lifestyle recommendations or adjust your medication. It may also help them decide when it is time to transition from medication alone to insulin treatment. 

Your doctor can also monitor the development of your neuropathy. They will carry out tests and look for the signs of other related conditions, such as diabetes cellulitis and diabetic infections. They can also effectively treat diabetic wounds and prevent them from developing into more serious conditions.

Your doctor can also help you get checked for signs of diabetic retinopathy. This condition can cause vision loss, but with good diabetes management, it may be possible to slow this down or prevent it altogether. Your doctor is best placed to monitor and help you manage this condition.

Choose Family Medicine Austin for Diabetes Neuropathy Care

Living with diabetes is much easier with the support of doctors who specialize in diabetes care. The dedicated team at Family Medicine Austin understands diabetic care and is ready to help you manage your condition through lifestyle and medication.

Our team has years of experience in helping patients with diabetes neuropathy manage their condition. Whether you have type I or type II diabetes, we are ready to help you slow the progression of diabetes-related conditions. 

Ready to find out what we can do for you? Click here to book an appointment with a diabetes specialist today!

Feeling the tingle in your feet? Diabetes can bring on a whole host of challenges, and foot pain from neuropathy is a real drag. But don’t give up on your active lifestyle.

Finding the best shoes for diabetics with neuropathy can make a world of difference. Imagine comfy, supportive shoes that cradle your feet and keep you feeling confident all day long.

This guide is here to help you navigate the world of diabetic footwear and find the perfect pair to get you back on your feet and feeling your best.

Comfort Is Key

When living with diabetes, especially if you’re dealing with type II diabetes, finding the right shoes is crucial. The best shoes for diabetics with neuropathy should feel like a soft hug on your feet.

Imagine slipping your foot into a shoe that gently supports every curve and arch without any pressure points. That’s the comfort you’re looking for.

This isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about avoiding complications that could add to your medical expenses down the line. Comfortable shoes help prevent blisters and sores, which are harder for your body to heal.

A good fit is the cornerstone of comfort and foot health.

Neuropathy can affect how you feel your feet, making it even more important to avoid shoes that pinch, rub, or cause blisters. Think about it – ill-fitting shoes can create pressure points that lead to pain, irritation, and even serious complications like ulcers.

How to Ensure Proper Fit

A snug but not tight fit is the sweet spot. Your toes should have a little wiggle room for natural movement, and the heel shouldn’t slip when you walk. This ensures proper support and stability, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

Choosing shoes for neuropathy means paying attention to how they feel from the moment you try them on.

If you’re living with diabetes, you already know your feet might not send the usual signals of discomfort until it’s too late. So, opt for shoes that have a cushioned sole and enough room to move your toes freely.

Remember, what feels snug and cozy at first try is what you’re aiming for.

Support Matters

Good support is non-negotiable when selecting shoes for people living with prediabetes or diabetes. The right pair will help distribute your weight evenly, reducing the stress on any one part of your foot. This is particularly important for those with type II diabetes, as your feet might be more prone to changes in shape and sensitivity due to neuropathy.

Supportive shoes can mitigate these issues, keeping you comfortable and active without worrying about your feet.

Look for shoes designed with arch support and a firm heel. This combination works wonders in keeping your posture aligned and your gait steady, lessening the risk of foot injuries. Reducing the risk of injuries not only keeps you on your feet but also helps manage potential medical expenses associated with living with diabetes.

Seamless Design

When you’re on the hunt for the best shoes for diabetic neuropathy, don’t overlook the importance of seamless construction. This might sound a bit technical, but it’s actually quite simple and makes a huge difference in how your shoes feel.

Imagine wearing a shoe that doesn’t rub or irritate your skin because there are no rough seams to contend with. This is especially vital if you have type II diabetes, as your feet are more susceptible to sores and infections.

Seamless shoes offer a smooth interior that drastically reduces the risk of blisters and skin breakdowns. For those managing type II diabetes, this feature is invaluable. Your wounds may heal slower, making prevention the best approach.

Seamless construction ensures that even if you spend a long day on your feet, your shoes will work with you, not against you. This level of comfort can improve your daily life in a big way.

Room to Breathe

Breathability in shoes for neuropathy cannot be overlooked. When your feet stay dry and cool, you’re less likely to develop fungal infections or skin irritations. This is crucial for those living with diabetes, as your skin may be more vulnerable and healing might take longer.

Shoes made from natural materials like leather or breathable synthetic fabrics are your best bet. They allow air to circulate, keeping moisture at bay and your feet happy.

A breathable shoe also means a healthier environment for your feet. This reduces the chance of unwanted odors and keeps you comfortable throughout the day. This is particularly important if you’re on your feet a lot or live in a warmer climate.

Happy feet lead to a happier you. This helps to minimize disruptions to your daily life while keeping medical expenses for skin-related issues in check.

Easy Does It

For anyone dealing with diabetic cellulitis, shoes that are easy to put on and take off are a godsend. Shoes for neuropathy should not make you strain or bend excessively because this could lead to balance issues or falls.

Look for shoes with adjustable straps, slip-on designs, or zippers. These features can make a world of difference in your daily routine, providing independence and ease.

Ease of use also extends to maintenance. Shoes for diabetics should be easy to clean and maintain, allowing you to keep them in optimal condition without much hassle. This simplicity helps extend the life of your shoes, offering better value for money and preventing foot problems before they start.

Find the Best Shoes for Diabetics With Neuropathy

While these tips can help, consulting your doctor is essential for choosing the best shoes for diabetics with neuropathy. They can assess your specific needs and recommend the best options for managing your condition. After all, they’re your partner in keeping you healthy.

At Family Medicine Austin, we offer a wide range of professional services to cater to the healthcare needs of different individuals and families. From preventive services to diagnostic and disease management, our expert medical team do it all.

Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss how we can be your trusted healthcare partner.

Patients living with diabetes have different needs when it comes to a variety of medical treatments. According to the Diabetes Research Institute, approximately 11.3 percent of Americans have diabetes.

If you’re a diabetes patient, it’s important to know how to treat diabetic wounds properly to prevent infection.

Read on to learn more about the best way to treat wounds if you have diabetes to ensure a safe healing process.

Diabetes and Healing

Wounds in patients with diabetes are common, including issues like diabetic ulcers and sores. There are several reasons why the healing process is slower in people who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Diabetics with high blood glucose or high blood sugar may have issues with their nervous, immune, and circulatory systems. This may make healing much slower and more difficult since the body relies on these systems to heal various wounds and other injuries.

Living with diabetes can also affect your circulation. If you have slower circulation, it takes longer for diabetic wounds to heal since the blood can’t reach the wound and fight infection as fast as it will in those without diabetes.

Peripheral vascular disease may also affect diabetics. This condition causes a reduction in blood flow to the arms and legs, often due to plaque building up inside the arteries and narrowing the blood vessels. When the blood can’t get from your heart to the rest of your body, it causes the veins to weaken.

Those with high blood glucose levels tend to have thicker blood. This makes it harder for your heart to push the blood from the tips of the fingers to the toes, causing healing to slow down significantly.

Issues with Diabetic Neuropathy

Some diabetics have a condition called neuropathy which affects the nerves. Neuropathy can cause you to lose feeling in certain parts of the body.

This condition is caused by having consistently higher-than-normal blood sugar levels. It most commonly affects the hands, legs, and feet. Approximately 60 percent of people with diabetes have some level of neuropathy.

If you have diabetic neuropathy, you might not know when you have a blister, cut, or other type of wound since you can’t feel it. Early-stage diabetic sores and blisters need immediate care since they can easily become infected or get worse over time without proper treatment.

Wound Warning Signs

If you are a diabetes patient, there are several important signs to look for that could indicate your wound is not healing the way it should. First, if inflammation like redness or swelling around the wound doesn’t improve after about one week, it could mean that you need attention from a healthcare professional.

Inflammation is a normal part of the beginning healing stages. However, if it gets worse instead of better over time, it could be a sign of an infection or another serious problem that needs more treatment.

It’s also important to look for possible signs of infection if you have diabetic wounds. If the wound feels tender, painful, or hot when you touch it, the wound could be infected. Other signs of infection include if the wound starts to ooze puss or liquid, you notice a dark or unusual color around the edge of the wound, or it emits a bad odor.

Diabetes patients should make note of the wound healing timeline. If it doesn’t heal within one month, it may be a chronic wound that requires more help from your doctor. 

Diabetic Wounds: Best Treatment Practices

While not all wounds and not all diabetics are the same, there are some common practices you should use when treating your wounds. These tips will help you follow the safest and most effective way to treat your wounds or injuries if you’re diabetic.

Treat Wounds Immediately

Minor wounds like cuts and scrapes should receive immediate attention. As soon as you notice you have a wound, wash your hands with soap and water. Next, rinse the wound using plain warm water.

Once your hands are clean and the wound is rinsed, apply gentle yet firm pressure to help stop the bleeding. Apply an antibiotic cream to the affected area, then cover it with a clean medical bandage or some gauze.

If you have neuropathy, make sure you monitor yourself often to check for wounds. Always check your feet and hands every day and the area between your toes. Some diabetics wear white socks to make it easier to spot any signs of bleeding near the feet. 

Avoid Stressing the Wound

Applying pressure to a new wound is important to stop bleeding, but you should not add extra weight or pressure to it after you treat it. Adding stress to wounds can slow down the healing process or cause the wound to reopen.

If you have wounds on your feet, consult your doctor about the best way to protect them while allowing you to stay mobile. You may need special shoes or custom foot padding to help protect the wound and keep you comfortable.

Keep it Clean and Covered

All wounds heal best when they are kept clean and protected. Remember to apply an antibiotic cream or ointment and bandage to new wounds right away.

Diabetic wounds that are infected should be examined by a medical professional. They will determine which type of treatment is best for your specific type of wound based on the severity of the infection.

Foam dressings can help absorb wounds that are leaking while also adding extra cushioning for protection. Alginate dressings are made from seaweed and work quite well on deep wounds. Hydrogel dressings are water-based and designed to keep wounds moist, which promotes the growth of new cells to speed up healing.

Proper Care is Key

If you have diabetes and deal with diabetic wounds, understanding why they occur and why they need special treatment is vital. Remember the tips we’ve added here to ensure that your wounds heal quickly and safely.

At Family Medicine Austin, we provide diagnostic-based healthcare and disease management, so contact us today to find out how we can help you.

Diabetes insipidus (DI) is an uncommon condition characterized by constant thirst and excessive clear, odorless urine production. Every day, the average person excretes between 1-2 quarts of urine. Diabetes insipidus patients may urinate between 3-20 quarts per day. The most prevalent forms of this illness are central diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and diabetes insipidus caused by pregnancy.

This post is here to shed light on diabetes insipidus treatment. In this article, we intend to discuss important aspects of the disease process, including the causes, diagnosis, and types of diabetes insipidus. Moreover, the article also highlights diabetes insipidus natural treatment.

Diabetes Insipidus Treatment

Before moving toward diabetes insipidus treatment, let’s first explore the disease’s causes, symptoms, and diagnosis.

Pathophysiological Process of Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes insipidus is a metabolic condition characterized by a total or partial failure to concentrate urine, causing the body to produce excessively diluted urine. It may be caused by a deficiency of arginine vasopressin (AVP) or antidiuretic hormone (ADH). The hormone is produced by the brain and secreted by the posterior pituitary. Resistance to the hormonal action in the renal collecting ducts also results in DI.

Diabetes insipidus occurs when the hormone vasopressin does not function properly. AVP can significantly regulate the amount of fluid in the body. The portion of the brain responsible for producing this hormone is known as the hypothalamus. The AVP is stored in the pituitary gland until it is required. When the body’s water level becomes dangerously low, the pituitary gland begins to secrete AVP. It achieves its role of concentrating urine by decreasing the amount of water flushed out of the body by the kidneys. This increases the kidneys’ urine concentration.

Diabetes insipidus is a rare condition in which the body loses excessive water because the kidneys cannot produce sufficiently concentrated urine due to a lack of AVP production. AVP medication will be effective on the kidneys and forms an important part of diabetes insipidus treatment. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is the form of diabetes insipidus caused by this disease. People feel thirsty because their bodies are attempting to get them to drink more water to compensate for the additional water they are losing.

Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus

The below signs and symptoms are associated with central or partial diabetes insipidus:

Types of Diabetes Insipidus

Central Diabetes Insipidus 

It can be inherited or caused by damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland that produces or stores hormones. A head injury, surgery, or disease like a tumor can cause damage. An insufficient response to the hormone desmopressin is one of the hallmarks of partial diabetes insipidus.

Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus 

Also known as primary polydipsia, this type of DI is characterized by excessive urine production due to excessive fluid intake. It may result from injury to the hypothalamus, which regulates thirst, or mental health issues like schizophrenia.

Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

This type of DI only occurs during pregnancy. An enzyme produced by the placenta prevents or inhibits the breakdown of ADH in a pregnant woman.

Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus 

It is caused by a kidney issue that prevents ADH from functioning properly. A kidney defect can be inherited, caused by a long-term problem with the kidneys, or caused by drugs such as antiviral medications.

diabetes doctors

Diagnosis of Diabetes Insipidus

If a patient presents with central or partial diabetes insipidus symptoms, which typically include increased thirst and urination, clinicians have many diagnostic methods at their disposal, including:

Blood Test: Diagnosing diabetes insipidus requires the results of a blood test that examines for salt and other minerals.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The brain’s imaging can determine if the symptoms are caused by hypothalamic or pituitary gland dysfunction. These glands are involved in producing and storing antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Stimulation Test: Fluids are administered intravenously that stimulate the body to produce more ADH. Then, blood tests are performed to determine if the symptoms are due to diabetes insipidus or primary polydipsia, which is excessive drinking.

Urinalysis: The urine test determines if there is excessive water in the urine. The test can also determine if excessive thirst and urination are caused by diabetes mellitus (dysregulation of blood sugar) or diabetes insipidus by measuring the quantity of glucose in the urine.

Diabetes Insipidus Treatment Options

The most common diabetes insipidus treatment is to drink enough fluids to compensate for dehydration caused by excessive urine production. Depending on the underlying cause, an endocrinologist may also be able to recommend various diabetes insipidus treatment options.

Since the body cannot produce enough ADH, the hormone Desmopressin can be given to treat central diabetic insipidus. This hormone can be administered via nasal spray, tablet, or injection, according to the patient’s preference.

Primary polydipsia, also known as dipsogenic diabetic insipidus, cannot be treated with medication. Practitioners may recommend chewing gum, consuming ice chips, or sucking on sugar-free candies as diabetes insipidus treatment to quench thirst and maintain a moist mouth. A little dose of desmopressin taken before bed can lessen the frequency of getting up at night due to the urge to pass urine.

Desmopressin is a safe medication that can be used to treat gestational diabetes insipidus during pregnancy. Usually, the symptoms disappear following the baby’s birth, but they can return in the next pregnancy.

Diabetes insipidus treatment to treat nephrogenic diabetes is based on altering your intake of calcium and potassium or replacing the medications causing it. Your physician may also recommend taking painkillers or thiazide-based water tablets.

Diabetes Insipidus Natural Treatment

If you have diabetes insipidus, you must take medication and consume lots of water daily to prevent dehydration.

Regular water intake forms a crucial part of diabetes insipidus natural treatment.

Another important consideration is reducing your sallt and protein intake. It helps in reducing urine production by your kidneys. It is also vital to consult with a health expert before making significant dietary changes.

See Also: Type 1 Diabetes and Life Expectancy


Even though diabetes insipidus is typically a disorder that lasts a person’s entire life, most people can live a very normal life as long as they monitor their condition and fluid intake. Electrolyte imbalance and dehydration are two of the most significant complications necessitating the prompt diabetes insipidus treatment.

In the worst situations, severe dehydration can induce confusion, nausea, fainting, seizures, and even death if it is not treated or detected promptly. People with diabetes insipidus should always consume lots of fluids to compensate for their excessive urine production. Those with diabetes insipidus who experience dizziness or confusion should not hesitate to visit the hospital immediately.

Family Medicine Austin has a team of diabetes specialists who provide comprehensive care. We equip our patients with the means to take charge of their health by acting as advisors and providing individualized treatment plans.

Schedule your appointment with Family Medicine Austin if you have any queries regarding diabetes insipidus treatment or if you suspect you have diabetes.

Family Medicine Austin

Most people are in a state of shock when first given a diabetes diagnosis, regardless of whether it is type 1 diabetes or they are concerned with the life expectancy associated with any other diabetes type. However, having a diabetes diagnosis and being curious about its life expectancy doesn’t stop you from living a “normal” life. Many people who are diagnosed with diabetes go on to have a variety of experiences. The majority of patients receive excellent care from their doctor and the rest of the medical staff, but some claim they were only handed some pills and asked to continue their treatment. If this occurs to you, make sure your doctor makes time to talk to you about your illness or suggests another provider who can respond to your questions more effectively.

In the United States, 34.2 million individuals of all ages, or nearly 1 in 10, have diabetes. A little less than 3% of all individuals in the United States, or around 7.3 million people, are ignorant that they have diabetes. As people get older, more people are getting diabetes diagnoses. About 1 in 4 people (about 26% of those over 65) has diabetes.

What is meant by having diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition of metabolism in which your body produces more sugar or glucose than usual. The word “hyperglycemia” is used to indicate an abundance of glucose in your blood. Blood sugar levels that are too high can be extremely harmful, which could affect life expectancy associated with diabetes, endangering your organs severely and raising your chance of various health issues, including cardiovascular disease.

The hormone insulin controls blood sugar levels by regulating the body’s ability to convert glucose into energy.

diabetes doctors

Types of diabetes:

In type 1 diabetes, the immune response targets the cells that make insulin, preventing the body from using blood glucose for energy.

In type 2 diabetes, the system either produces insufficient insulin or the body’s cells become insensitive, and this is what is called insulin resistance.

How much longer life expectancy can be expected as a result of diabetes?

Diabetes was present in 37.3 million Americans in 2019, or 11.3% of the population. Type 1 diabetes affects approximately 1.9 million Americans, including around 244,000 children and teens. The life expectancy of people with type 1 diabetes has historically been reported to be shortened by more than 20 years.

However, advances in diabetes management over the past few decades suggest that those with type 1 diabetes now live noticeably longer.

Type 1 diabetes risk factors include

Why do most people with diabetes have a lower life expectancy than the rest of us?

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels over time can result in a number of short-and long-term consequences.

These consist of:

How you may increase your life expectancy associated with diabetes care and management

Why do those people with type 1 diabetes have shorter life expectancies?

Those with type 1 diabetes are more likely than those with type 2 to get it earlier in life. As a result, people often live longer with the illness and its associated problems. Recent studies have also demonstrated that diabetes complications are now better managed and the illness is now simpler to identify sooner thanks to technological developments and innovations in diabetes treatment.

Is type 2 diabetes less dangerous compared to type 1?

Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes frequently develops more slowly. As a result, type 2 diabetes (and other kinds of diabetes) may not be discovered in patients until years after they first exhibit symptoms. However, type 2 diabetes may only be discovered after other health issues start to show symptoms.

Medical appointments and follow-ups:

Each year, people with diabetes should have a number of significant health examinations. It is crucial that these examinations be performed once a year. Children under the age of 12 are an exception, as they often do not require testing for retinopathy (eye disease), nephropathy (kidney damage), or neuropathy (nerve damage).

See Also: Diabetes and Blurry Vision: Causes and Concerns

Bottom line:

Diabetes of type 1 is an immune system disorder with a hereditary component. Traditional therapies cannot reverse this form of diabetes. To survive, you need insulin all the time in your life to increase the life expectancy associated with diabetes of type 1. In general, you must see your physician at least every three to four months if you are receiving insulin injections for your condition. If you are taking medication or controlling your diabetes with food, you should see a doctor at least every four to six months. If your blood glucose is not under control or if diabetes problems are getting worse, you might need to see your doctor more frequently.

Family Medicine Austin

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux, medically known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is a condition in which the contents of the stomach retrograde through the esophageal sphincter back up into the esophagus. Along with food, the stomach contains enzymes and acids which cause a burning sensation in the esophageal walls.

Normally, a band of muscles at the bottom of the esophagus called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes to let food and liquid pass through to the stomach. It then contracts and closes to ensure the contents of the stomach remain contained within the muscular bag. Sometimes, abnormal relaxation or weakening of the LES can allow regurgitation of stomach acids into the esophagus, causing inflammation and erosion of the esophageal lining. This is called acid reflux/GER and commonly feels like heartburn.

Many people experience mild acid reflux sometimes. However, if you experience it multiple times a week, you might have GERD. GER disease (GERD) is a long-lasting condition of acid reflux, producing frequent symptoms such as heartburn and regurgitation. GERD is one of the most commonly diagnosed GI disorders in the US, affecting approximately 20% of people in America. The risk for GERD increases with high alcohol consumption, lower socioeconomic status, age >50, and more importantly, type 2 diabetes.

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Risk Factors

GERD can manifest as:

If you experience these symptoms regularly, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor may be able to diagnose you through a description of your symptoms or an endoscopy. Self-medication through PPIs can lead to an increased risk of diabetes.

The following factors increase your risk for acid reflux:

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is extremely common in the developed world, with 1 in 10 people in the US diagnosed with the disease. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar. In type 2 diabetes, the cells of the body become resistant to insulin, a hormone that allows the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for storage. Consequently, glucose circulates in the blood, and chronic high blood glucose level results in complications of the circulatory, nervous and immune systems.

For this discussion, the most important complications of diabetes mellitus are vascular damage and neuropathy (damage to nerves).

Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Risk Factors

The hallmark symptoms of diabetes are excessive urination, hunger, and thirst.

Other symptoms include:

If you experience these symptoms, consult a doctor for a timely diagnosis. A fasting blood sugar test is performed. A confirmed diagnosis of diabetes shows a fasting blood sugar exceeding 125 mg/dL on two separate tests.

Your risk for diabetes increases if you:

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How are Acid Reflux and Diabetes Linked?

An estimated one-fifth of the American population suffers from acid reflux, and the numbers are on the rise. GERD is an economic burden on the country, with the total cost for treatment exceeding $12 billion. With 10.5% of the US population also suffering from diabetes and a national cost of $327 billion, it is important to study the established relationship between the two disorders to further discuss the management and treatment options.

Acid reflux/GERD and diabetes are linked in a few ways.


Overweight individuals are 50% more likely to develop GERD. The abundance of fat in the abdominal area may inflict mechanical pressure on the stomach, causing it to reflux its contents into the esophagus. Obesity also increases the chances of hiatal hernia and an amplified gastroesophageal pressure gradient, providing the perfect scenario for acid reflux to occur.

We know that patients with diabetes tend to be overweight or obese. Thus, it makes sense for overweight diabetic patients to also frequently experience acid reflux.

Diabetic Neuropathy

The likelihood and coincidence of these disorders cannot just be attributed to obesity. According to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, individuals with diabetes mellitus are at greater risk of GERD than non-diabetic individuals. Some studies have also found that 40% of diabetic individuals also suffer from GERD, regardless of weight. This indicates a more direct connection between diabetes and acid reflux.

Studies suggest that diabetic neuropathy – nerve damage due to high blood sugar – accounts for GERD symptoms in diabetics. Although nerve damage commonly occurs in the legs and feet, it can also occur in the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve regulates many parasympathetic functions in your body – functions that you cannot consciously control. These include heart rate, digestion, and immunity, amongst others.

Damage to the vagus nerve impairs GI function, including esophageal, stomach, and intestinal actions. Abnormal relaxation and contraction of the LES can directly lead to acid reflux and symptoms of GERD. In addition, impairment of the pyloric sphincter (between the stomach and intestine) causes delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis). Prolonged retention of gastric contents increases the likelihood of acid reflux. Barring acid reflux, gastroparesis produces other symptoms of GERD like heartburn, nausea, bloating, and early satiety.

GI Tissue Damage

High blood glucose is a silent killer, having several adverse effects on the body before diabetes is even diagnosed. Not only does high blood glucose damage nerves, but it can also damage the vascular tissue that it circulates in. This can lead to GI tissue damage, including the esophagus and LES, increasing chances for acid reflux and regurgitation.

Prescription of PPIs

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a class of antacids prescribed to treat acid reflux. The stomach releases acids to create a low pH for optimal activity of the digestive enzymes it releases. PPIs inhibit the release of excessive acid to curtail the consequent symptoms of GER. PPIs are amongst the top ten most used drugs in the world since they are used in the treatment of a wide array of GI issues such as acid reflux, peptic ulcers, and indigestion.

Although an effective drug for GER, studies have shown that prolonged use of PPIs increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 24%. Thus, it is not recommended to unnecessarily prescribe PPIs, especially for long-term use. Based on these findings, doctors should also recommend users of PPIs regularly get screened for diabetes.

See Also: Things That Increase Your Risk for Cellulitis Diabetics

The Bottom Line

Although genetic predisposition plays a major role in our health, we can control the food we eat and the activities we partake in. Both diabetes and GERD have a high prevalence in the obese and sedentary population of the world. So, to prevent the unpleasant symptoms of acid reflux and the uncomfortable limitations of diabetes, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle. Half an hour of daily physical activity and a balanced diet saturated with natural and organic foodstuff will protect you from most modern diseases.

Studies have proven a distinct relationship between diabetes and acid reflux. If you regularly experience acid reflux and have been using PPIs for the past two years, you should get screened for diabetes immediately. Conversely, if you are a diagnosed patient with diabetes and experience regular GER symptoms, you should consult your doctor to rule out diabetic neuropathy.

Family Medicine Austin houses excellent diagnostic, management, and treatment facilities with expert medical teams to guide you on your health concerns. Head over to our blog post section  to read more or contact us today to avail of our services.

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Bacteria invade your skin when it is damaged or cracked. Scrapes, burns, surgeries, fungal infections, and other factors can all cause skin breaks. Bacteria can enter even if the breach in the skin is just too small to see. Cellulitis can impact any area of the body, although it is most commonly found in the limbs. It typically manifests as red patches, soreness, swelling, and burning, and it can also result in a fever. Cellulitis and diabetics are more relatable when it comes to diabetes; and are more common in the summer, probably because the heat produces greater perspiration and swelling, resulting in skin irregularities. If you feel you have cellulitis, see your doctor as soon as possible.

If microorganisms enter the layers of skin, anybody can have a potentially severe skin infection. Certain factors, however, increase your chances of acquiring cellulitis even more worse in the case of diabetes.

Cellulitis symptoms include swelling, redness, soreness, and tenderness in the afflicted region. Blisters, shivers, fevers, and nausea are also common. Antibiotics can be used to treat cellulitis. However, if left untreated, the bacteria can affect the blood system and prove fatal. Although cellulitis is not always prevented, recognizing its causes and consequences may reduce your chances of contracting this infection.

A compromised immune system:

The immune response is the mechanism through which the body manages infection. When the immune system is weakened, the ability to regulate infection is reduced, allowing bacteria to multiply and cause damage. People with weakened immune systems, such as those affected by cancer, HIV/AIDS, or even certain drugs, should take extra care to keep their skin clean in order to avoid cellulitis; especially cellulitis in diabetes. For example, one basic step to take is to keep the crevices between the toes dry and clear of infection. Cleansing scratches with soap and warm water, applying moisturizer to dry skin, and cleaning your hands frequently are some methods to practice excellent skin hygiene.

Cellulitis in diabetes:

Whether you have diabetes, you are more likely to develop cellulitis in diabetes in two ways. The first is connected to diabetic problems. Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) is a frequent diabetic consequence that causes you to lose feeling, particularly in your feet. This implies that if you have a leg injury or diabetic leg cellulitis, you may well not recognize it – which makes it difficult to treat effectively, allowing bacteria to enter.

diabetes doctors

The second way diabetes raises the risk of cellulitis is that elevated blood sugar, which is a characteristic of diabetes, impairs immune function, allowing bacterium and other infectious microbes to proliferate.

If you have diabetes, you may help prevent yourself from cellulitis by always wearing comfortable shoes and protective gloves when appropriate. You should also keep an eye out for any indications of illness. Therefore, patients with diabetes (chances of cellulitis), especially, should seek medical attention if they do not notice symptoms of wound repair in a day or two.

Condition of skin:

Pre-existing skin problems like athlete’s foot allow skin germs to reach greater depths of the skin and produce infection. The athlete’s foot is distinguished by blistering, cracking, or peeling skin beneath your foot, which allows germs to enter the skin and the tissues beneath it. Cellulitis other than in diabetes, is also more likely if you have eczema. The skin condition indicates that your skin’s barrier has been damaged, but you may have more germs on your skin than usual, both of which might lead to infection.

Chronic inflammation:

Lymphedema is a chronic disorder that causes swelling. It impairs the lymphatic system, which is critical in assisting your body in fighting sickness. Lymphatic fluid, which transports anti-infection white blood cells, accumulates in the legs and arms. This condition increases your chances of acquiring cellulitis and so in diabetes when there is cellulitis. The accumulation of fluid in afflicted areas causes edema and can create skin abnormalities that predispose to infection. Once germs infiltrate the skin and soft tissue, the lymphatic fluid provides an ideal environment for them to proliferate. Furthermore, the lymphatic system’s dysfunction makes it less capable of fighting infection.

Injuries and wounds:

Anything that generates a breach in the skin, such as a cut or abrasion, provides a chance for skin germs to infiltrate deeper. Take care to wash and disinfect any wounds or scrapes and to keep a lookout for any indications of infection. Bed sores might also make you susceptible to infection.

Problems within veins:

The veins within your legs normally maintain blood flowing toward your heart. However, with venous insufficiency, all connections in these veins are broken, allowing blood to flow backward into the legs. This leads blood to pool and build up in the legs, causing discomfort, swelling, and, in severe instances, open sores. Because these lesions are open places through which bacteria may readily infiltrate the deep layers of the skin, they render persons with venous insufficiency particularly susceptible to cellulitis and so in the case of diabetes.

Prevention tips for cellulitis / in diabetes:

See Also: Diabetes Cellulitis Treatment – How to Diagnose and Treat It?

Family Medicine Austin

Discussing prediabetes vs diabetes; both are two diseases caused by a lack of insulin, a natural hormone produced by the body. Insulin aids in the transport of sugar (glucose) from your bloodstream to your cells, where it is used for energy. Blood sugar levels rise when your body does not create enough insulin or does not respond to insulin as much as it should (a condition known as insulin resistance). High blood glucose levels can eventually result in prediabetes and diabetes.

Prediabetes vs diabetes: definition and symptoms

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes is a state characterized by a steady rise in blood sugar that isn’t high enough to be classified as diabetes. It is thought to be a transitional period between normal metabolic regulation and diabetes.

There are two forms of prediabetes: type 1 and type 2.

The measurement of blood sugar levels is used to diagnose prediabetes. After fasting for 8-10 hours, blood glucose levels are checked in the morning. This test is insufficient to establish a diagnosis. The glucose tolerance test is used to validate it. The patient consumes a 100-gram glucose solution in the morning, and her or his blood glucose levels are monitored for 2 hours at regular intervals. 2 hours after glucose consumption, normal sugar levels are estimated to be between 6.1 to 7.8 mmol/l.

If the patient’s blood sugar levels are between 6.1 and 6.9 mmol/l after fasting as well as less than 7.8 mmol/l 2 hours after glucose ingestion, he or she is likely to have impaired fasting glucose. Prediabetes is mostly asymptomatic. There are a few potential symptoms, although they are insignificant, which may cause prediabetes to proceed to diabetes gradually. Such symptoms include a sudden and severe rise in hunger, a strong and languid thirst, abrupt and unexplained weight fluctuations, fatigue, flu-like symptoms, and slowed skin wound healing.

A prediabetes diagnosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is “your chance to prevent type 2 diabetes.”

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What is diabetes?

In contrast to prediabetes, diabetes is a condition characterized by an elevated blood sugar level as a result of a reduced cell reaction to insulin or inadequate insulin synthesis in the body.

Diabetes is classified into three types:

Diabetes is defined by intermittent or chronic hyperglycemia and can be detected by either of the following symptoms:

Following are considered as the most common diabetic symptoms:

Some less common diabetes symptoms include impaired vision, recurrent infections, problematic wound healing, loss of weight, ketoacidosis, irritability, tiredness, disorientation, and so on.

Complications of prediabetes vs diabetes:

The most serious consequence of prediabetes in contrast to diabetes is the development of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is more than simply an inconvenience. Excessive levels of glucose in the blood can result in major cardiac (heart and blood vessel) issues over time, including:

Diabetes-related neuropathy (nerve damage). Diabetic neuropathy can result in tickling, numbness, or complete loss of sensation in the hands, limbs, legs, and feet. Neuropathy may be very painful and frequently necessitates the use of a separate set of drugs to treat.

Diabetic retinopathy (visual damage) and cataracts are all common complications of diabetes. Damage to the blood vessels in the eyes caused by high blood sugar levels can result in illnesses such as cataracts and diabetic retinopathy, all of which can result in vision loss and blindness. Every year, diabetics should get a particular eye test.

Kidney failure. The kidneys filter all of the blood throughout the body, and when that blood contains sugar, the kidneys must work considerably harder. The kidneys may eventually become overburdened, which can lead to renal disease.

Coronary artery disease Cardiovascular disease is among the primary causes of mortality among diabetics. Diabetes increases your likelihood of acquiring a sudden cardiac arrest or stroke.

Wounds and amputations heal slowly. High blood sugar levels make wound healing more difficult. Uncontrolled diabetes patients are more prone to suffer sluggish healing wounds, particularly on the foot, that they might feel owing to nerve loss. This raises the likelihood of infection and, ultimately, amputation.

Hypoglycemia prediabetes (low blood sugar). When most people think of diabetes, they think of elevated blood sugar levels, hypoglycemia prediabetes may be harmful. Diabetes patients are at a higher risk of hypoglycemia since they frequently take drugs to reduce their blood sugar. To avoid hypoglycemia, don’t stop taking your diabetic meds; instead, make sure you eat regularly to keep your blood sugar from going too low.

Diabetes-related coma. Diabetes coma is a potentially lethal condition induced by either excessive hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome is the sort of diabetic coma that you are most likely to experience if you have type 2 diabetes.

See Also: Learning Diabetes Care and Factors Affecting Diabetic Wound Healing

The most effective strategy to prevent type 2 diabetes problems is to keep your blood sugar under control. But do not overlook blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition to diabetes, you are more likely to have problems if you have hypertension and high cholesterol. For an appropriate and timely diagnosis of prediabetes and diabetes, contact Family Medicine Austin clinic near you and get further assistance from seasoned consultants.

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At Family Medicine Austin, we provide preventive, diagnostic, and disease management care for families. Our expert providers offer personalized, patient-centered services to achieve your health goals. Come see us today for comprehensive care that caters to your needs.


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