
Paul Taylor, NP

Family Nurse Practitioner

About Paul

My name is Paul Taylor. I am originally from Louisiana where I first began my nursing career as an ER nurse in 2016. I am in my second year as a family nurse practitioner. I have a strong passion for acute care, preventative care, and anything requiring hands-on skills. At Family Medicine Austin, I work as an IV Therapy Provider, focusing on vitamin IV therapy to assist patients in maximizing hydration, enhancing immunity, and supporting overall well-being. With my background in acute and preventative care, I offer IV treatments designed to facilitate recovery and improve patient health. My favorite things to do in my free time are working out at the gym, jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai, hiking with my dog, and cooking.

Education and Training:

Master’s of Science in Nursing from Northwestern State with a focus on Family Nurse Practitioner


Family Nurse Practitioner


Austin, TX

Languages Spoken:

Family medicine austin
At Family Medicine Austin, we provide preventive, diagnostic, and disease management care for families. Our expert providers offer personalized, patient-centered services to achieve your health goals. Come see us today for comprehensive care that caters to your needs.


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