
Spotting while peeing is common in pregnancy, particularly during the first three months. However, bleeding at any point during pregnancy may indicate a problem or underlying issue. Always inform your doctor of your symptoms to determine the causes, which aids in deciding treatment options.

Knowing the causes of vaginal bleeding and spotting while peeing is crucial. If you know the most common causes of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, you will know what to look for and when to contact your physician. Today’s post will discuss the etiology of blood in pee during pregnancy. This post serves as a guide for vaginal bleeding and spotting in pregnancy.

Spotting while Peeing

Urination is one of the many bodily functions that undergo significant changes during pregnancy. Changes in a woman’s urine can indicate whether she is pregnant and if she may experience complications during her pregnancy. It is essential to keep track of any changes in your urine, discuss these changes with your doctor, and receive routine urinalysis testing.

During pregnancy, women may feel an increased urge to urinate frequently. Once the embryo is implanted in the uterus, the body begins to produce the pregnancy hormone hCG responsible for frequent urination.

As the fetus grows, the uterus will begin to exert pressure on the bladder, causing it to shrink. As a result, it will fill with urine quicker, and you will need to use the restroom more frequently and urgently. Additionally, you may urinate when you laugh, cough, or sneeze.

Due to the bleeding in your uterus, you may notice spotting while peeing. If you observe this at any time throughout your pregnancy, you should immediately contact your prenatal care physician. Some women may experience minor bleeding during the implantation phase of their early pregnancies, but this does not always indicate a problem. Some women may bleed slightly during sexual activity, an internal examination, or a pap smear.

Causes of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy include:

When a woman at the end of her pregnancy experiences spotting while peeing that is frequently accompanied by mucus, it indicates labor. This vaginal discharge, which may seem pink or crimson, is called a bloody show.

Blood in Pee During Pregnancy: Finding out the Causes

During pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can be caused by a variety of circumstances. During the beginning stages of pregnancy, bleeding is frequent. In most instances, it does not signal a major issue. Spotting while peeing in the early stages is normal. Bleeding that happens later in pregnancy is potentially more harmful.

A woman may have light bleeding or spotting when the fertilized egg gets adhered to the uterine lining one to two weeks following conception. Due to the expansion of blood vessels in this area during pregnancy, the cervix may bleed more readily than usual. Infection, early pregnancy loss, and ectopic pregnancy can all cause early pregnancy bleeding.

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Inflammation or growths of the cervix are two frequent conditions that can occur later in pregnancy, and both can result in light bleeding. Bleeding is a more worrying indicator. If there is excessive bleeding, there may be a problem with the placenta. Excessive bleeding can indicate an impending preterm birth. Immediately call your obstetrician or go to the hospital if you observe any bleeding in the later stages of your pregnancy.

Later in pregnancy, bleeding can be caused by several placental complications, including the following:

Placental abruption: The placenta separates from the uterine wall before, during, or immediately after birth. The most prevalent symptoms and signs are vaginal bleeding and abdominal or back pain. Placental abruption can have devastating effects if not diagnosed promptly. The unborn child may not receive enough oxygen, and the woman may lose a substantial amount of blood.

Placenta previa: The placenta is excessively low in the uterus. It can partially or completely cover the cervix. It could also result in vaginal bleeding. As the bottom region of the uterus expands and thins between 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy, certain kinds of placenta previa heal independently without surgical intervention. The process of labor and delivery can then resume normally.

Placenta accrete: The placenta (or a piece of it) invades and fuses with the uterine wall. It can cause considerable blood loss after birth and third-trimester pregnancy hemorrhage. A simple ultrasound examination conducted during pregnancy can detect most instances. However, the issue is occasionally not diagnosed until after birth. If you have placenta accreta, you risk experiencing life-threatening blood loss following delivery.

Blood in Pee While Pregnant: An indication of UTI

Pregnant women are significantly more susceptible to UTIs (urinary tract infections). Up to 10% of pregnant women have at least one UTI during their pregnancy. Bacteria that enter the urethra and subsequently spread to the bladder, ureters, or kidneys cause UTIs. There are increased hormones that relax muscles during pregnancy to facilitate bacterial entry into the urinary system.

You may have a UTI if your urine has a foul odor, is hazy, or contains a small amount of blood. Blood in pee during pregnancy might be an indication of UTI.

You should contact the doctor immediately if you notice blood or spotting while peeing. UTIs during pregnancy can be extremely harmful since they can affect your and the fetus’s health. They can also increase the likelihood of preterm birth. Your physician may do a urinalysis to diagnose a UTI. This test examines your urine for bacteria and white and red blood cells.

You can prevent or recover from UTIs by drinking enough water, emptying your bladder before and after sexual activity, keeping the region surrounding genitalia clean, and urinating until the bladders are empty. Additionally, you can prevent UTIs by avoiding bubble baths, using cotton underwear, and avoiding tight pants or leggings.

Conditions Associated with Blood in Pee During Pregnancy

A variety of disorders can cause blood in the urine. Some causes of bleeding or spotting while peeing include:

See Also: Why You Have UTI Symptoms After Taking Antibiotics


Bleeding can be frightening during pregnancy. Depending on the circumstances, bleeding during pregnancy may or may not be cause for concern. If you are pregnant and experiencing vaginal bleeding or spotting while peeing, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your doctor. The management options for blood in pee while pregnant include bed rest and avoiding sex.

Family Medicine Austin has experts in women’s health who provide women of all ages with the best possible treatment. Our staff can diagnose and treat a variety of gynecological issues. Book your appointment now to get assistance with your health care needs.

Family Medicine Austin

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are extremely prevalent disorders that can afflict men and women of any age but are more prevalent in women. Infections can affect the bladder, the kidneys, or any other portion of the urinary tract. Pyelonephritis is a kidney infection that can be extremely serious and even fatal.

Due to the proximity of the lower urinary system and the lower digestive tract, the same issue could affect both. This could result in symptoms such as diarrhea, which indicates an infection in the intestines, and frequent, painful urination, which indicates a UTI or bladder infection. However, an issue in one tract triggers a problem in the other, resulting in the patient experiencing symptoms in both tracts simultaneously. It leads the patients to wonder: can UTI cause diarrhea?

Today’s post is all about diarrhea and UTI. This post will answer the main question: can a UTI cause diarrhea? Keep reading to find the link between diarrhea and UTI, the causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Diarrhea and UTI

UTIs are prevalent (especially in females). 90% of UTIs manifest as acute cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). Complex UTIs, a more serious kind of UTI in which the infection travels to the kidneys or bloodstream, can occur in some individuals. When a UTI is complicated, the symptoms tend to be more severe, and the digestive tract may become involved, resulting in diarrhea. A complex UTI induces diarrhea or loose stools. The term complicated UTI indicates that the infection has spread outside the urine bladder. When bacteria enter the kidneys or the circulatory system, they might produce other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loose stools.

The digestive and urinary systems are intricately related, particularly where the bladder meets the colon and rectum. Consequently, an inflammatory process in the bladder will directly damage these structures. The heat produced by the inflammatory process speeds up intestinal motility at contact areas. Inflammatory mediators released in the urinary system move to the digestive tract via shared blood pools in the region. In either situation, the effect will be increased fluid and movement in the intestines, resulting in diarrhea. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are symptoms of systemic distress when the kidneys are affected.

Causes and Symptoms

Diarrhea is a common symptom that is frequently caused by digestive tract issues. Sometimes it occurs for reasons unrelated to digestion, and sometimes it seems to occur for no apparent reason. The most common form of diarrhea is acute diarrhea. It begins rapidly, worsens rapidly, and is brief. People with diarrhea frequently exhibit additional signs and symptoms, such as abdominal cramps or pain, excessive gas, and a sense of fullness.

A UTI can result in burning or painful urination, a frequent need to urinate, and pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic regions. There is also a pungent urine odor when the person has a UTI. Most UTIs are ascending infections, which begin in the urethra and progress to the bladder. It can extend to the kidney, causing flank pain and other symptoms.

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Appetite loss, nausea, and vomiting also indicate UTIs and diarrheal diseases. When you have diarrhea, you may feel nauseous and vomit. Both UTIs and infectious diarrhea can cause fever. In extreme cases, there is a possibility that the individual will get dehydrated or develop septicemia. In some instances, additional signs and symptoms may manifest. Both septicemia and extreme dehydration are medical emergencies that must be treated immediately.

Can UTI Cause Diarrhea

A UTI can cause diarrhea if the chemicals that induce inflammation in the infected portion of the urinary system impact the colon. These substances may result in pain and increase colonic activity, resulting in diarrhea.

UTI itself cannot cause diarrhea. However, as a potential adverse effect of treating a UTI, you may experience diarrhea or loose stools. In most cases, antibiotics are the initial treatment for UTIs. People with a UTI may be prescribed additional medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which have been associated with diarrhea. These drugs can produce diarrhea or loose stools in numerous ways, including direct irritant effects and intestinal microbiota imbalance—most people who get diarrhea due to a medicine experience mild symptoms that resolve on their own.

Treatment Options for Diarrhea and UTI

If the same underlying issue causes diarrhea and UTI, the same medication may treat both conditions. However, this is not the case, as always. Diarrhea and a UTI can be treated separately yet simultaneously. Typically, diarrhea is a short-term condition requiring only supportive care or sometimes none. Rest, drinks, and a bland diet are all that are necessary for the treatment of diarrhea.

Since bacteria cause the majority of UTIs, antibiotics are frequently used to treat them. Antibiotics can also be administered to those who have diarrhea due to a bacterial infection. You may require probiotics to restore normal intestinal flora (naturally occurring bowel microbes).

UTIs can cause fluid and electrolyte loss due to frequent urination and diarrhea. This could result in dehydration. Therefore, it is essential to consume enough water to remain hydrated. It involves taking oral rehydrating solutions (ORS). Oral hydration is not an option if the patient’s condition requires intravenous fluid administration. Always consult a doctor if you have diarrhea and a UTI so that both problems may be adequately treated and cared for and grave consequences can be prevented.

Problems, some of which may be life-threatening, can be prevented with prompt and effective treatment. It is crucial to rapidly identify the cause of the illness and treat it with the appropriate medications.

A person with a UTI can experience diarrhea due to the infection spreading to the gastrointestinal tract, but diarrhea is not a common symptom of a UTI. UTIs typically affect the urinary system, consisting of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. If a person has a UTI and diarrhea, they must see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. In addition to prescribing antibiotics to treat the UTI, the physician may suggest additional diarrhea treatment. Occasionally, diarrhea may be caused by a separate gastrointestinal issue unrelated to a UTI.

See Also: Bladder infection vs. UTI: What’s the difference?


UTI impacts the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Diarrhea is not a typical symptom of a UTI, but an infected urinary tract could spread to the gastrointestinal tract and kidney, causing diarrhea. Kidney infections that are not treated result in grave consequences, including diarrhea, flank pain, and septicemia. An uncomplicated UTI can cause diarrhea. It is also possible that a person’s diarrhea is caused by a particular gastrointestinal condition unrelated to a UTI. Consult a physician for a proper diagnosis if you suspect you have an infection and are also experiencing diarrhea.

At Family Medicine Austin, our team of medical experts is committed to providing comprehensive, individualized care to all our patients. We are here to help you recover and return to your normal life. We will work with you to correctly identify and treat your diarrhea and UTI-related symptoms. So, do not ignore your health problems and schedule an appointment today.

Family Medicine Austin

Bladder spasms occur when the bladder’s muscles contract swiftly and forcefully, causing you to feel the urge to urinate. They can occur in patients with diseases such as overactive bladder. They are common following a hysterectomy, especially in the first few weeks.

A bladder spasm may result in incontinence (urine leakage). Other symptoms associated with spasms include frequent need to urinate and a burning sensation. The spasm may also indicate an infection. UTI (urinary tract infection) can lead to bladder pain, urgency, burning, and spasms. When a bladder infection is treated, bladder and urine-related symptoms may subside.

This post elaborates on bladder spasms and their common occurrence after a hysterectomy. The center also discusses the causes associated with bladder spasms after urinating. Moreover, the article also highlights associated bladder issues and their treatment options.

Bladder Spasms: Exploring Causes

A bladder spasm, also known as a “detrusor contraction,” occurs when a bladder muscle contracts quickly and unexpectedly, causing a person to feel the urgent need to urinate. The bladder could leak because the spasm could force urine out. It is a common symptom of an overactive bladder.

There are a variety of health conditions that might cause bladder spasms. Changes in blood flow and the activity of the nerves that control the bladder are associated with spasms. It may also be caused by your food or the medication you take.

Spasms can also be triggered by an infection, a recent surgery, or nerve or muscle damage in the pelvic region.

Bladder spasms can occur at any age, but those older, overweight, pregnant, experiencing hormonal changes, or having a neurological problem are more prone to also experience urine incontinence.

Among the most frequent causes of bladder spasms are:

The brain is responsible for sending a signal to the bladder muscle, instructing it to contract and release urine. Certain neurological illnesses can cause nerve damage and make communicating difficult for the brain and bladder. As a result, the bladder fails to function properly. Nerve injury also creates bladder issues, leading to neurogenic bladder.

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Nervous system disorders or injuries that cause spasms are:

Surgical procedures also cause bladder spasms. For instance, during lower abdominal surgery, the nerves that regulate the bladder or the muscles that support the pelvic floor and bladder get damaged, leading to spasms.

Bladder Spasms after Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is the surgical procedure of removing the uterus. Depending on the underlying condition or the medical necessity, it is either partially or completely removed. Additionally, the cervix, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and other surrounding tissues may need to be removed.

It is a major operation that might injure or weaken the abdominal cavity-supporting ligaments. The bladder will lose the assistance it received from the uterus after a hysterectomy. Additionally, the surgery will cause the bladder to move within the pelvis.

The bladder is separated from the uterus as part of the hysterectomy procedure. As a result, the nerves that control the bladder are susceptible to alteration.

Changes in urinary function following a hysterectomy may be caused by alterations in the body’s structure or neuronal function. Endopelvic fascia connects the bladder, the uterus, and the rectum to the side walls of the pelvic cavity. It also assists in supporting the rectum. The ligaments hold the cervix in place while the remainder of the uterus is unrestricted to move. This makes the cervix the direct support for the organ. The pelvic plexus consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. Neurons are essential to coordinating smooth muscles in the bladder and intestines. The pelvic plexus is vital to the coordination of these contractions. During a hysterectomy, damage to this autonomic nerve supply may result in malfunctioning. Hence, bladder spasms after a hysterectomy occur.

Bladder Spasms after Urinating

Some people also experience bladder spasms after urinating. The most common cause is subacute cystitis. It is the most prevalent bacterial infection characterized by the inability to urinate or painful urination. If you have urine incontinence, your condition could worsen. Additionally, it might result in hematuria or pyuria, which is blood in the urine. It frequently causes other symptoms like fever and low back pain.

Symptoms of bladder spasms after urinating include a strong urge to urinate even if the bladder is empty and pain in the pelvic area.

You should seek immediate medical assistance if spasms induce a high fever, considerable pain in the pelvic floor muscle, or blood in the urine. They will thoroughly examine your symptoms to determine a suitable treatment plan.

Managing Bladder Spasms after Urinating/Hysterectomy

The first step in treating bladder spasms is comprehending their signs and causes. The following can lessen the frequency and intensity of bladder spasms and enhance your quality of life:

Lifestyle modification and other treatments may help you better control and lessen your bladder spasms. Treatment for the underlying problem, such as an infection, is likely to be successful in alleviating the related symptoms.

You should consult a physician if any of your symptoms persist or worsen. You may need to alter your existing treatment regimen or try a different medication.

See Also: Bladder infection vs. UTI: What’s the difference?


Bladder spasms are uncontrollable contractions of the muscles in the bladder wall. These abrupt, forceful contractions can encourage urination even when the bladder is not full. Bladder spasm is a common sign of bladder issues such as urine incontinence, interstitial cystitis, or bladder irritation. They are also common after a hysterectomy.

Treatment options include medication, lifestyle modifications, and physical therapy. A healthcare professional should be consulted to identify the underlying cause of bladder spasms and create an effective treatment strategy.

A skilled team of specialists offers comprehensive treatment at Family Medicine Austin, including experts in women’s health and UTIs. Make an appointment immediately to enjoy the benefits of individualized, tailored medical care.

Family Medicine Austin

UTI versus Bladder Infection: Is there a difference?

Urinary tract infection (UTI) and bladder infection are used interchangeably. An infection of the urinary system can induce a bladder infection. In contrast, a bladder infection is a type of UTI directly affecting the bladder. Considering the bladder vs. UTI, it is important to note that UTIs can occur anywhere along the urinary system, including the bladder. UTIs include both bladder infections and urinary tract infections. On the contrary, not all urinary tract infections are bladder infections.

The article presents comprehensive information discussing the bladder vs. UTI. Continue reading to find out the difference between UTI and bladder infection.

Bladder vs. UTI

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) include bladder infections, but bladder infections are distinct from UTIs in general. A UTI affects one or more parts of the urinary tract. The parts include the kidneys, ureters, urethra, and bladder. An infection that affects only the bladder is known as a bladder infection. Bladder infections are the most prevalent type of UTI. They are caused by bacteria that enter and spread throughout the urinary tract.

It is essential to know the parts involved in the urinary system to comprehend bladder vs. UTI. When an individual has a UTI, bacteria enter the body via the urethra. Infection’s spread into the bladder results in bladder infection. Most bladder infections are short-lived and resolve rapidly, but some can be long-term. Many of the symptoms of a bladder infection and a UTI are identical. Patients with a bladder infection may also experience abdominal or lower back cramping or pressure.

Difference Between UTI And Bladder Infection

The below sections present causes and symptoms to assess the difference between UTI and bladder infection. Continue reading to explore.

Bladder vs. UTI: Causes of Infections

A common link between the bladder vs. UTI is bacteria. Bacteria cause the majority of the urinary tract and bladder infections. Escherichia coli, usually known as E. coli, is frequently the causative agent of these infections. This type of bacteria is typically found in the digestive tract. If bacteria migrate from the anus to the urethra, a person may get a UTI. Women are more prone to UTIs as a woman’s urethra is significantly shorter than a man’s, so bacteria can easily move. In addition, the urethral opening is close to the anus. Due to these factors, a woman is 30 times more likely than a man to acquire a UTI. People with compromised immune systems are susceptible to bacterial and fungal bladder infections (yeast).

The human body has numerous defense mechanisms against bacterial infections. When you urinate, bacteria are washed out of your body. Alternatively, bacteria can enter the body through the urethra and go to the bladder, causing the infection. At this moment, the bacteria adhere to the bladder’s walls and grow rapidly. The individual will develop a bladder infection if the body cannot eliminate the bacteria.

There are both short-term and long-term cases of bladder infection. It is crucial to initiate treatment as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading deeper into the urinary system, particularly to the kidneys. Kidney infection can be quite uncomfortable and leads to additional health issues.

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Bladder vs. UTI: Symptoms

When you have a UTI, bacteria can accumulate in the urinary tract, which irritates the lining of the urinary tract. Infections of the bladder frequently result in symptoms that typically include the following:

Bladder vs. UTI symptoms’ severity will depend on the severity of the bladder infection. Urination changes include the urge to urinate more frequently, an impulse to urinate or rush to the bathroom, pain or burning when urinating, bloody or cloudy urine, foul-smelling urine, and pressure or cramping in the lower back or abdomen. If you experience these symptoms, it may indicate that your kidneys are not functioning properly.

Back pain indicates pyelonephritis, an infection that spreads from the bladder to the kidneys. This back pain is not the same as muscle-related back pain. It has nothing to do with your actions or location. Additionally, a kidney infection can produce fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and an overall sensation of illness.

If you suspect a bladder infection, you should contact a doctor immediately or if your symptoms do not improve within two days. It is crucial to begin therapy immediately to prevent the infection spread to the kidneys. A physician must treat kidney infections immediately because they might cause major complications.

Bladder vs. UTI: Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis is based on taking a medical history and conducting a physical examination to determine whether or not a person has an infection. A urine sample is also checked to confirm the diagnosis. The individual may have an infection if the sample has more white blood cells than a specific threshold. Sediments present in the sample help to determine UTI versus bladder infection.

Additional tests involving growing bacterial culture on the sample are conducted to determine the most effective antibiotics.

Bacteria cause UTIs. Hence the most effective treatment is antibiotics. Due to the importance of treating a UTI with the correct antibiotics at the correct dose, a person should not self-medicate or utilize an expired prescription.

The initial treatment plan for a UTI may fail. The physician may alter the dosage, switch the medication, or recommend intravenous antibiotics if this occurs. If symptoms worsen while taking antibiotics or do not improve significantly within a few days, they should consult their primary care physician.

Some people suffer from recurrent UTIs. In certain instances, a physician may elect to perform additional diagnostic procedures, such as an ultrasound scan or a cystoscopy, to determine the cause or identify any underlying condition.

See Also: Why You Have UTI Symptoms After Taking Antibiotics


Contact your primary care physician immediately if you suspect a urinary tract or bladder infection. The therapy process should be quick and painless, but the longer you delay, the more likely things will become difficult and painful.

UTIs and bladder infections that are not treated can cause kidney infections. Symptoms of a renal infection are similar to those of a bladder infection but worse. Kidney infection symptoms include severe abdominal pain, back pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. You can avoid this by treating your UTI so that it does not worsen and by consulting a doctor.

Bladder vs. UTI can be quickly diagnosed and treated by the experienced medical staff at Family Medicine Austin, who has the extensive expertise necessary to provide the best care. Dial the number ((512) 872-6868) immediately to schedule an appointment for urinary tract infection testing.

Family Medicine Austin


UTIs develop when bacteria invade the organs that produce and eliminate urine. Antibiotics are typically used to treat these infections.

Antibiotics may not always treat UTIs because the symptoms can persist even after taking the medication. However, these antibiotics do not always function, and several potential causes exist. Sometimes, medications do not alleviate your UTI symptoms. In other circumstances, they may be deteriorating rapidly. Some people also complain that the UTI comes back right after antibiotics.

In this scenario, your doctor may recommend switching antibiotics or ensuring that you take the medication correctly. Additionally, they will examine for other diseases to ensure that your symptoms are not caused by something other than an infection of the urinary tract.

This article examines why antibiotics are ineffective and a UTI comes back. Moreover, the article also explores when a patient with symptoms of a persistent UTI should speak with their doctor about obtaining additional tests in case UTI comes back after antibiotics.

UTI Comes Back Right After Antibiotics

In the US, urinary tract infections are one of the most prevalent infections that may be treated outside of a hospital. UTIs are often treated with antibiotics initially.

Typically, antibiotics are administered without first doing a urine culture. It is because practically all UTIs are caused by E. coli, which a urine culture will almost always confirm.

Unfortunately, not all UTI medications are as effective as experts anticipate. There are three primary reasons:

  1. UTI is caused by an antibiotic-resistant strain of bacteria
  2. UTI could be caused by a different type of bacterium, fungus, or virus
  3. Another sickness could cause UTI symptoms

Reasons Why Your UTI Came Back After Antibiotics

Antibiotics treat bacterial infections. Bacteria cause UTIs; thus, your physician may prescribe an antibiotic to treat and eliminate the infection.

In some instances, the medication is ineffective. If you take the prescribed medication and continue to experience UTI symptoms, you should consult a physician.

In one study, the medical records of 670,450 women with UTI were examined. An ineffective antibiotic was administered to approximately half of the ladies. In addition, some of the women continued to take the medication after the allotted time limit.

Even if you obtain the correct medication, you may administer it incorrectly. If you do not take the medication as prescribed, likely, your symptoms will not improve. You can develop a recurrent UTI or a more severe infection.

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UTI comes back right after antibiotics because of the following reasons:

UTI comes back right after antibiotics because of antibiotic resistance that bacteria develop.

Antibiotic resistance indicates that the bacteria causing a UTI do not respond to antibiotic treatment. This occurs because repeated use of antibiotics causes bacteria to evolve.

Patients with existing health issues or a high incidence of UTIs are more likely to develop antibiotic resistance.

Suppose only a urinalysis is performed without a urine culture. In that case, the antibiotic prescribed for your infection may need to be corrected as the bacteria causing the infection needs to be identified, leading to the wrong prescription.

This could occur if the cause of your UTI is an uncommon strain of bacteria, fungus, or virus. This practice could be one of the causes of antibiotic resistance, causing the UTI to come back.

Occasionally, antibiotics are ineffective in treating UTIs because the infection is not a UTI. Instead, a cause other than a UTI may be responsible for the symptoms, and you think that UTI comes back right after antibiotics.

UTI comes back right after antibiotics if you have any of the following issues:

Bacteria that have traveled from a UTI to the bladder or kidneys can cause cystitis and kidney infections.

As with UTIs, antibiotics are typically used to treat these infections. On the other hand, several factors that may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment for UTIs also apply to these disorders.

In addition, common STIs, i.e., sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea, share symptoms with UTIs.

Typically, prescribed antibiotics for UTIs are unlikely to be effective against these sexually transmitted diseases.

If you have symptoms of a UTI and antibiotics have not been effective, your doctor will conduct additional tests.

Important Considerations for Antibiotics Usage

Here are some essential considerations when using antibiotics to treat a UTI:

What to do if UTI comes back right after antibiotics?

UTIs that do not respond to antibiotics will likely require a urine culture to determine which bacteria are causing the infection.

If it turns out that a different sort of bacteria, fungus, or virus caused your UTI, your physician will recommend an alternative treatment.

Moreover, changes to your lifestyle, such as quitting smoking or consuming less alcohol, might reduce the frequency and severity of UTIs.

Here are some tips for you in case your UTI comes back right after antibiotics:

See Also: Do UTI’s Increase Post Menopause?


Antibiotics are prescribed to treat and eliminate UTIs. If the initial antibiotic you take is ineffective, you may need more antibiotics. It is crucial that you take the medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor. If you do not, your symptoms may worsen, or the illness may return. Even worse, UTI comes back right after antibiotics.

Sometimes other health conditions can mimic a UTI. So, it is crucial to consult your primary care physician about your symptoms so they can diagnose your condition. You can contact our UTI specialists at Family Medicine Austin for comprehensive quality care, including the diagnosis and management of UTI. We provide prompt diagnosis and treatment for successful recovery so that you can resume your normal life. Schedule an appointment to be tested for a urinary tract infection.

Family Medicine Austin

As women menopause, they may notice some changes in their bodies, which are the symptoms of menopause. Instead of getting themselves checked and seeking treatment, some women treat these symptoms, such as low estrogen bladder symptoms, as normal and ignore them. It is best not to feel ashamed of acknowledging menopause and the symptoms that come with it, to get yourself checked and then treated so you can maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Low Estrogen Bladder Symptoms

The following are the commonly occurring symptoms of the bladder associated with low estrogen levels:

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the loss of control over one’s urination or defecation. Some people may suddenly pass urine when coughing, sneezing, or laughing sometimes. The condition can be so severe that a person urinates before even having the time to find a toilet.

Urinary Pain

In this condition, the person feels pain before or after urination. The patient feels pain in the bladder and fails to empty the bladder fully.

Overactive Bladder (OAB) syndrome

Urinary urgency is the characteristic symptom of OAB syndrome. The frequency of urination increases too, and so does nocturia, in which the person gets forced to wake up during the night to urinate.

Some other low estrogen bladder symptoms include:

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Low Estrogen Levels and Weight Gain

Sex hormones like estrogen control glucose and lipid metabolism, which is why they affect fat levels in the body and can lead to weight gain. That is not good for your health as it also increases the chances of other issues such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and diabetes.

How And Why Do Low Estrogen Bladder Symptoms Occur?

Low levels of estrogen in the blood cause the thinning of the tissues that line the vagina. When the lack of estrogen causes a change in the tissues of the vagina, bladder, or urethra, it is known as urogenital atrophy. This condition is commonly known as genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). At least fifty to seventy percent of the women who enter the stage of menopause in their lives suffer from GSM.

Since the vaginal tissues become thin and dry, the vagina and the muscles around it lose strength and elasticity, and cannot support the surrounding structures, such as the bladder and the urethra, as they would under normal conditions. That compromises the bladder and leads to low estrogen bladder symptoms.

However, it is not necessary that only women suffering from GSM experience low estrogen bladder symptoms. Some women (as many as 15% of the women not going through menopause) may suffer from the symptoms during childbirth or due to breastfeeding.

Some other reasons a woman might have low estrogen in her body include exercising excessively, an underactive pituitary gland, genetic malfunctions, toxins, or autoimmune disorders that cause the ovaries to fail. Estrogen levels may also go down because of chronic kidney disease and eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa.


Essentially, doctors diagnose insufficient levels of estrogen by the low estrogen bladder symptoms you talk about. The doctor will analyze your symptoms and ask about your family history to draw a valid conclusion. Your doctor may also ask you to get some tests done to confirm the diagnosis. For example, he may ask you to get your follicle-stimulating hormone levels checked. A pituitary hormone test checks if the endocrine system is producing a sufficient number of hormones. In case the pituitary hormone test gives abnormal results, your doctor may ask you to get a brain scan.


Doctors recommend the following treatments for people suffering from low estrogen bladder symptoms:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

The main cause of low estrogen bladder symptoms is the lack of estrogen in the body. Estrogens are a group of sex hormones in the body that play a significant role in maintaining a normal reproductive cycle in a woman’s body. In HRT, the low levels of estrogen get replaced which not only lowers the symptoms of menopause but also has other long-term benefits.

Doctors may carry out HRT by assigning you skin patches, tablets, gels, or sprays. That is systemic HRT, i.e., its method of intake is oral, and it affects the whole body and helps reduce symptoms such as urinary urgency, nocturia, and painful urination.

Women suffering from low estrogen bladder symptoms, in which the vagina or bladder is involved are given vaginal estrogen only. These can be given by utilizing creams, tablets, and vaginal rings. That is local estrogen, applied externally and helps with urinary urgency and stress incontinence, and prevents urogenital atrophy. Estrogen therapy increases the risk of cancer which is why only small doses of estrogen are assigned, and those too for only one or two years.


The pessary is a device with a ring placed along the walls of the urethra and vagina to give them and the surrounding muscles of the balder, uterus, and rectum to give them support and prevent leaking.


Some doctors may recommend physical therapy in the form of pelvic floor exercises to make weakened muscles stronger, fix pelvic function and also strengthen the core. One such exercise is Kegels in which you mainly focus on tightening your pelvic muscles.

Change in lifestyle

Exercising and eating healthy to maintain an average weight are the best ways to have a healthy lifestyle at any point of your life, and are especially important when experiencing menopause bladder symptoms. Cutting down on caffeine, alcohol, or carbonated drinks can also be helpful as drinks increase the volume of urine and stimulate the bladder.

Changing urination habits

Ensuring that you urinate before having sex or exercising can help you avoid a situation of urinary incontinence.


Medicines such as beta-3 agonists and anticholinergics help people suffering from overactive bladder syndrome by relaxing muscle spasms in the bladder.


In case all the above forms of treatment do not work, surgery can help the person deal with urinary incontinence. Some non-estrogen medicines also help treat vaginal atrophy.

See Also: Do UTI’s Increase Post Menopause?

In Conclusion

As many as 40% of women suffer from menopausal bladder symptoms. It is best to get an early diagnosis to reduce the chances of a complication later on. Instead of dismissing these symptoms as a part of aging, get a check-up. Our technicians at Family Medicine Austin have sufficient knowledge and can help you diagnose and treat low estrogen bladder symptoms. We also offer hormone replacement therapy, and our technicians also deal with UTIs in the case of low estrogen UTI symptoms.

Family Medicine Austin

Almost all functions in your body are regulated by hormones. For example, insulin helps store glucose molecules after you’ve had a meal, and growth hormone helps you grow proportionally during puberty.

Similarly, estrogen and progesterone are two critical female hormones (present in small levels in males too) that are important for the development of sexual characteristics and reproductive functions. These hormones also play extremely crucial roles in the monthly menstrual cycle.

An imbalance of estrogen and progesterone can cause underdevelopment in females, irregular periods, infertility, and other uterine disorders.

In this article, let’s take a look at the roles of these hormones in the human body and compare estrogen vs. progesterone to understand the importance of each.

What are Estrogen and Progesterone?

Estrogen and progesterone are steroid hormones that are important in all bodies – male, female and intersex – although they are higher in biological females. They are both important for the menstrual cycle and maintenance of pregnancy in females and are combinedly prescribed in birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy for menopause.

  1. Estrogen

Estrogen is a sex hormone that you start producing at puberty.

Types of Estrogen

Functions of Estrogen

In women, estrogen stimulates the development of sexual characteristics like the development of breasts, widening of hips, and growth of pubic and armpit hair.

In the uterus, estrogen promotes the proliferation of the inner lining of the uterus to prepare the body for fertilization and embryo plantation of an embryo. It also stimulates lubrication of the vaginal canal to promote the propulsion of sperm up into the uterus.

In males, estrogen is important for erectile function and the production of sperm promotes good bone health and regulates mood. This is why women in menopause with lower estrogen levels are more prone to developing osteoporosis!

UTI Specialist

  1. Progesterone

Progesterone is commonly known as the ‘pregnancy hormone’ because of the vital role it plays during pregnancy.

In females, it is produced from the corpus luteum – a temporary gland formed from a remnant of an ovarian follicle that arises in the latter half of the menstrual cycle. It enhances the proliferation of the uterine lining to make it thick, spongy, and well-vascularized with lots of coiled arteries. If the egg is fertilized and an embryo is implanted in the layer, progesterone levels rise to maintain the pregnancy to full term. If not, progesterone levels fall significantly; bringing about menses.

In men, progesterone is produced in the adrenal glands and is important for the maturation of sperm and the production of testosterone.

Estrogen vs. Progesterone

Production and Secretion


Breast Development

Estrogen gives females secondary sexual characteristics like breasts, and pubic and armpit hair. It controls the fatty deposition in breasts and the development of the glandular ducts. Estrogens stimulate prolactin secretion for the production of breast milk.

Progesterone is required for the development and growth of glandular buds in the breasts and prepares the breasts to produce milk. Progesterone also inhibits prolactin (the lactation hormone) during pregnancy so lactation begins only after delivery.

Role in the Menstrual Cycle

Estrogen is released in the first half of the menstrual cycle and stimulates the proliferation of the mucous layer within the uterine wall. After menses, it encourages the regeneration of blood supply to the uterine lining. Estrogen levels fall right after ovulation.

Progesterone is released in the second half of the menstrual cycle and maintains and thickens the mucosal lining. It promotes the growth of coiled arteries and capillaries within this layer to make it well-vascularised and compatible with the implantation of an embryo. Progesterone levels fall right before menstruation.

Role in Pregnancy

Estrogen lowers the threshold for contractions and induces labor at full term. It stimulates the enlargement of the uterus and the breasts during pregnancy and improves the blood supply to the placenta and the baby.
Progesterone raises the threshold for contractile stimuli in the uterus to prevent contractions during pregnancy which can cause preterm labor. It stimulates the enlargement of the mammary glands within the breasts to prepare for the production of milk. Progesterone thickens the mucus plug in the cervix during pregnancy so that additional sperm may not penetrate the uterus (unlike estrogen, which enhances lubrication of the vagina for easier sperm penetration).

Estrogen vs. Progesterone – Treatment of Menopause

After menopause, the body has depleted levels of estrogen and progesterone because there are no more eggs in the ovaries. Low hormone levels cause many symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and irregular bleeding.

Hormone replacement therapy with estrogen and progesterone can alleviate these symptoms. Intake of estrogen can solve most menopausal problems. Then why do doctors recommend a combination of estrogen and progesterone vs. just estrogen for HRT?

This is because estrogen alone can thicken the uterine lining and increase the chances of uterine or cervical cancer. Progesterone, however, reduces this risk and helps lessen other symptoms of menopause.

Estrogen vs. Progesterone – Birth Control Pills

There are two options available for birth control pills – a progesterone pill and a combination of estrogen and progesterone pill. Many women want to know the mechanism of action of the progesterone pill vs. the estrogen pill.

The progesterone pill stimulates the thickening of the mucus plug at the base of the uterus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus and fertilizing the egg. The estrogen combination pill, however, prevents the follicle from ovulating so that there is no mature egg to fertilize even if the sperm reaches the uterus.

See Also: Pyelonephritis vs Cystitis – All You Need To Know

The Bottom Line

Estrogen and progesterone are both critical hormones that coordinate and support reproductive functions. The role of estrogen vs. progesterone may be more potent across body systems; however, most reproductive processes cannot progress without progesterone. Arguably, their most important functions are regulating the menstrual cycle and bringing about physical changes during pregnancy.

If you have any questions regarding hormones and women’s health, visit the Family Medicine Austin blog page and find out all you want to know!

Family Medicine Austin

Do you drink ample water every day and still experience UTI symptoms like urgency to urinate and a burning sensation during urination? If yes, then this article is just for you! Learn about pyelonephritis vs. cystitis, symptoms, and everything else you need to know before visiting your doctor.

Infections anywhere in the entire length of the urinary tract result in a urinary tract infection or UTI. Microbial agents that gain access to the urinary tract via the gut or external genitalia disturb the flora of the urinary system. UTIs are classified according to the anatomical positions of infections occurring: the upper urinary tract and lower urinary tract infections. Both of these infection types vary from one another in aspects of pathogenesis, etiology, and treatment.

What is Cystitis?

An infection of the bladder or urethra due to a bacterial invasion is known as cystitis. Owing to the shorter urethra in females, cystitis has a more common occurrence in women than in men. While the development of cystitis in men is rare, it is not impossible.

Escherichia coli is a bacteria strain already present in the body’s normal flora. In immunosuppressed or immunocompromised states, these bacteria may multiply in number and become virulent. As with every other substance in the body, it needs to exist in a specific range for normal body function.  An increased number of E. coli bacteria invade the bladder and urethral walls, attaching to the pili in their membranes. Here, the bacteria multiply rapidly and result in irritation and inflammation of the bladder wall.

Causes and Risk Factors

Most cases of cystitis occur due to ascending infections. This accounts for virulent bacteria that happen to enter the female genital tract through the external genitalia. The risk factors of cystitis in women include:


The continuous fluctuation in hormone levels disturbs the flora of the female genital tract and may leave the immune system vulnerable to bacteria that it would normally react against.


Pregnant women are mostly unable to empty their bladder. The inability to fully void yourself leads to the growth of bacteria in the bladder and urethra.

Using Certain Contraceptive Methods

According to a published case-control investigation, women using IUDs and diaphragms are relatively likely to develop cystitis.

Using Tampons

Leaving a tampon in for a long period or using different tampons for bleeding that lasts for over five days may cause inflammation in the cervix. This later ascends to the urethra and bladder.

Vigorous or Frequent Sexual Activity

Frequent sexual intercourse has been established as a major risk factor for cystitis among women. Thrusting may introduce bacteria that are supposed to protect the vaginal and cervical flora up the urethra and into the bladder. Sex that brings discomfort should be stopped immediately and you should refer to a gynecologist.

Other risk factors include urinary catheterization and urinary tract obstruction.

Signs and Symptoms

Early stages of cystitis usually present with fatigue, fever, exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting. As the inflammation increases and the disease progresses, the following symptoms are generally observed.

UTI Specialist

What is Pyelonephritis?

Inflammation that initiates in the lower urinary tract and ascends to the ureters and kidneys is known as pyelonephritis. Severe cases of pyelonephritis may even cause the kidneys to swell and result in permanent damage.

Pyelonephritis, like cystitis and other urinary tract infections, is more common amongst women due to shorter urethras. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter the bodies.

Causes and Risk factors

Similar to cystitis, pyelonephritis is also commonly caused by the bacteria E. coli. Bacteria enter the body through the external genitalia, travel up the urethra, and begin to multiply rapidly, making their way to the bladder. Bacterial growth from the bladder extends to the ureters and then to the kidneys. Further bacterial multiplication causes extreme inflammation of the kidneys, spilling infection into the bloodstream.

One of the risk factors of acute pyelonephritis is Nerve or spinal cord damage. Other factors are:

Medications strictly forbidden for patients suffering from acute pyelonephritis include nitrofurantoin.

Inserting a thin camera, called a cystoscope, inside the bladder increases the risk of allowing bacteria to enter the genital and urinary tract

In people with chronic illnesses that cause hyperplasia of the prostate

An unusual shape or size of the urinary tract that hinders normal urine flow

Weakening of muscles in old age causes the bladder to not empty

Persisting chronic kidney stones or other kidney and/or bladder conditions

People with chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, cancer, or HIV/AIDS are at a higher risk of developing acute pyelonephritis

Insertion of a catheter through the urethra into the urinary tract

This reflex causes a reverse track to be followed by a small amount of urine, as it backs up from the bladder into the ureters and kidney

Some of the risk factors of chronic pyelonephritis overlap with those of acute pyelonephritis. Other risk factors generally include urinary obstruction, which is more commonly seen in people with a former history of UTIs, vesicoureteral reflux, or anatomical anomalies.

Signs and Symptoms

Pyelonephritis symptoms start occurring about two days after the infection has set in. It generally presents with general symptoms in the beginning, such as:

Other symptoms that are more specific to pyelonephritis include:

Cystitis vs Pyelonephritis

The main difference between cystitis and pyelonephritis is that cystitis occurs due to inflammation of the lower urinary tract, such as the bladder and urethra, and pyelonephritis occurs due to inflammation of the upper urinary tract, including the ureters in the renal pelvis and kidney. Due to the wider spread of inflammation in pyelonephritis, it is a relatively severe infection compared to cystitis.

While both cystitis and pyelonephritis require a UDR (Urine Detailed Report) to confirm their diagnosis, there are other tests run for both that are different from one another. The tests run to identify the predisposing factors of a pyelonephritis infection include a blood culture, blood urea test, CBC (complete blood count), FBS (fasting blood sugar), and serum electrolyte.

Identifying the predisposing factors allows your general physician or nephrologist to treat your condition accordingly in a way to prevent recurrent urinary tract infections. On the other hand, the extra tests required to confirm the diagnosis of cystitis include a simple urine Culture, to identify the colony of bacteria involved in causing the disease.

Another difference between cystitis and pyelonephritis is the method of treatment. Since cystitis is a less severe inflammatory infection, oral antibiotics are prescribed as the first line of treatment. More commonly used antibiotics include Quinolones (norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin) and Co-amoxiclavs.

Patients with pyelonephritis are more commonly prescribed intravenous methods of the same antibiotics as those required to treat cystitis infection. The IV antibiotics include the IV version of Ciprofloxacin, Ceftazimide or Ceftriaxone, and a combination of Ampicillin and Clavulinic acid.

See Also: Chronic Pyelonephritis – What Is It And How To Treat It?


Are you confused about whether you have cystitis or pyelonephritis? You don’t need to worry! At Family Medicine Austin, we offer comprehensive preventative and diagnostic management care for you and your family. Reach out to us today and avail of our full spectrum of healthcare services!

Family Medicine Austin

UTIs after menopause is common than people believe. 50-60% of adult women are likely to experience urinary tract infections at some point in their lives. While it has already been established that UTIs are more common in people with a uterus, owing to a shorter urethra, recent studies draw an association between post-menopause and increased risk of UTIs. It is suspected that this may be due to fluctuations in hormones.

UTI and Menopause

Contamination of the male or female urinary tracts results in a urinary tract infection or UTI. This could either be a result of bacteria entering the urinary tract from the surrounding area or an imbalance of pre-existing bacteria in the vagina’s flora.

In the case of UTI and menopause, UTI is caused because of a hormonal or chemical imbalance that alters the pH of the vagina. This results in the rapid growth of bacteria that already resides in the vagina. The rapidly proliferating bacterial colony soon makes its way up toward the urinary tract and may result in either of the two types of UTI. Infection that remains restricted to the lower urinary tract is called cystitis while that which extends to the upper urinary tract is known as pyelonephritis.

The link between UTI and Menopause

The stages of menopause can be divided into three categories. The first is known as perimenopause and may last from about 5 to 10 years between the ages of 45 and 55, depending on the woman’s health and genetics. For some women, perimenopause is very harsh on them. They experience hot flashes, severe lower back and pelvic pain, frequent mood swings, decreased libido, etc.

Perimenopause begins with the body producing less and less of the sexual hormones. Consistent decrease or random fluctuation in estrogen and progesterone levels is the main cause of most of the symptoms experienced by a woman nearing menopause. Changes in estrogen levels may alter the lining of the vaginal walls, disturbing flora. This increases the risk of bacterial growth and if not controlled, results in UTIs. Any form of unprotected sexual activity during this time may also make you more susceptible to contracting a UTI.

Eventually, around the age of 55, perimenopause enters the menopause phase. This is when the woman stops menstruating or experiences amenorrhea. While this puts the severe symptoms to rest, the woman is unable to conceive or carry a child.

Once the woman enters the postmenopausal phase, they are naturally exposed to a higher risk of developing UTIs. According to a 2019 study, more than 50% of postmenopausal females develop recurrent UTIs. With the progression of pre-menopause and eventual menopause, there is a great decrease in estrogen production. The extremely low estrogen levels in a post-menopause body cause the muscles of the urinary bladder and pelvic floor to weaken. This results in a small volume of urine escaping the body involuntarily, otherwise known as urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a common cause of the development of UTIs.

UTI Specialist

How Menopause Increases UTIs

With the progression through menopause, the chances of a person developing a urinary tract infection vastly increase. Most of these infections are characterized as recurrent UTIs. Recurrent infection is when a person has at least two infections during 6 months and 3 or more in the whole year. Changes in the urogenital microbiome due to decreased levels of estrogen reduce the body’s natural defense mechanism against UTIs.

Lactobacillus is one of the bacteria that colonizes a healthy vagina before menopause. The carbohydrate glycogen released by vaginal walls is fermented by the lactobacillus into lactic acid. This acid plays a major role in inhibiting foreign bacteria and other pathogens from colonizing the urogenital tract.

Low estrogen levels fairly decrease the number of lactobacilli in the vaginal flora. Since the bacteria that previously protected the vagina is no longer available in enough quantities, the person is at a higher risk of developing recurrent UTIs. In addition to low levels of Lactobacilli, there is also a raised pH which further prevents the bacteria to work at their optimal rate. This combination lays a foundation for more urinary tract infections.

Other risk factors of post-menopausal women developing UTIs include a history of UTI before menopause, diabetes, increased sexual activity, and urinary incontinence due to weakened pelvic and bladder muscles.

Urinary Symptoms of Menopause

From the beginning of menopause, the urethral lining starts thinning. Combined with the weakened bladder and pelvic muscles, the person develops urinary incontinence. The two main types of urinary incontinence are stress and urge incontinence.

Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence usually presents during perimenopause and may continue throughout the length of menopause and onwards. This is when any sort of stress, such as sneezing or laughing, on the bladder causes it to leak slightly. While this condition does not progress with the progressing stages of menopause, it is still a concern.

Urge Incontinence

Urge incontinence is due to an overactive bladder where you feel a sudden and urgent need to urinate. The muscles of the bladder weaken to an extent that they are unable to hold even a slight volume of urine for long periods.

Treating your UTI Post-menopause

If you experience either or all of the three symptoms below, you likely have a urinary tract infection and should visit a doctor.

While in pre-menopausal women, UTIs can be treated with home remedies such as cranberry juice or other OTC medications, postmenopausal women are mostly treated with antibiotics. Your doctor is likely to ask for a Urine Detailed Report to identify the presence of any bacteria in your urinary system and a urine culture report to identify the colony of bacteria present. Identifying the colony of bacteria is important for prescribing the right antibiotic that specifically targets the bacteria present inside your urogenital tract.

With growing concerns regarding bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, healthcare professionals repeatedly stress the importance of completing the entire antibiotic dosage. The antibiotic needs to be continued for as long as the prescribed dosage, even after the symptoms have subsided.

Frequent urination and drinking plenty of water daily speed up your recovery process. While the antibiotics do their job, the large amount of water consumption allows you to flush out the bacteria from your body frequently. Most people even resort to using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs to relieve pelvic pain symptoms of UTI after menopause.


While you may not be able to prevent every UTI infection once you start experiencing recurrent UTIs, there are ways with which you can fairly reduce the severity of their symptoms. These include:

See Also: Uti In Pregnant Women


Are you a woman nearing menopause and want to prevent UTIs in the future? Worry no more! At Family Medicine Austin, we offer a comprehensive preventative and diagnostic management service for you and your family. Reach out to us today and avail of our full spectrum of healthcare services!

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At Family Medicine Austin, we provide preventive, diagnostic, and disease management care for families. Our expert providers offer personalized, patient-centered services to achieve your health goals. Come see us today for comprehensive care that caters to your needs.


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