
Dealing with:

Slow Metabolism?
Discover Insurance-Covered Vitamin IV!
Call us at: (512) 872-6868

What is Vitamin IV Therapy?

Vitamin IV Therapy is a specialized treatment that delivers essential vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) drip. This method allows for higher concentrations of vitamins to be absorbed more quickly, providing immediate benefits and enhanced effectiveness compared to oral supplements.

How is This Different from Other Treatment Centers?

Our Vitamin IV Therapy stands out because it is covered by insurance, minimizing out-of-pocket costs for our patients. Treatments are diagnosis-based, and new patients can receive a provider visit to establish treatment, which can be done on the same day.

What Does It Help With?

Vitamin IV Therapy can help with a wide range of symptoms and conditions, including:

  • Immune system boosting
  • Prevention of colds and flu
  • Reduction of fatigue
  • Providing antioxidants
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Improving quality of sleep
  • Reducing muscle and joint discomfort
  • Enhancing mental focus

Our treatments can be administered up to two times per week, ensuring consistent and effective symptom management.

What IV Bags are Offered?

Myers’ Cocktail

Helps with immunity boosting, prevention of cold and flu, reducing fatigue, providing antioxidants, increasing energy, improving quality of sleep, reducing muscle and joint discomfort, and enhancing mental focus.

Immunity Bag

Strengthens the immune system, alleviates cold and flu symptoms, reduces fatigue, provides antioxidants, increases energy, improves quality of sleep, reduces muscle and joint discomfort, and enhances mental focus.

B Lean Bag

Supports weight loss, burns fat, boosts metabolism, and enhances blood flow and circulation.

What Does It Cost?

With Insurance, you can expect to pay anywhere from $0 – $50 for your copay*.

If you do not wish to use your insurance, we offer competitive self-pay rates ranging from $160 – $180, depending on the specific IV bag.

*HMO policy holders must update their PCP with their insurance company to a Family Medicine Austin provider prior to receiving service.

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(512) 872-6868

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Hear What Our Patients Are Saying.

Family medicine austin
At Family Medicine Austin, we provide preventive, diagnostic, and disease management care for families. Our expert providers offer personalized, patient-centered services to achieve your health goals. Come see us today for comprehensive care that caters to your needs.


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IMPORTANT! All information presented in this website is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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