

February 7, 2022
What Could Cause Rapid ADHD Mood Swings In Adults

A mood swing is a phenomenon that indicates rapid fluctuation in emotion over a short period. This can look like unpredictability in the change of emotions at little triggers. You might feel happy and content one minute and shift to unproportionate anger at a slight annoyance in the next minute. Alternatively, mood swings can also […]

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February 4, 2022
What Foods Should I Avoid If I Have A Latex Allergy?

People have started becoming more conscious about their health and well-being, including being more aware of allergies. Knowing what triggers your immune system and what exacerbates it is vital, and the same goes for everyone with a latex allergy. Not only is that provoked by certain rubber items, but some latex allergy foods may also […]

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February 3, 2022
Learning Diabetes Care and Factors Affecting Diabetic Wound Healing

Diabetes occurs when your body becomes unable to produce enough insulin. Insulin is a hormone that your body uses to convert glucose or sugar into energy. If your body experiences difficulty in metabolizing glucose, this may cause high blood sugar levels to take place. The condition is called Hyperglycaemia, which may further lead to lessening your body’s ability to […]

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January 24, 2022
Will Allergy Season Be Longer In 2022?

Allergy season brings the onset of rhinitis and sudden coughing fits, amongst other symptoms. If you notice a sudden increase in symptoms like sneezing, itching, and watery eyes, you’re experiencing an allergic reaction caused by a seasonal allergen. The seasonal allergy calendar prepares you for what to expect. Allergies are genetically acquired immune reactions, so […]

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January 20, 2022
The Brain-Gut Connection

How does it feel when you have a presentation in front of a large audience? If you have stage fright, you probably start feeling nauseous or like all your intestines are knotted up. What about when you see someone you’re romantically interested in? The feeling is described as having butterflies in your stomach. How about […]

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January 17, 2022
Sighs Of ADHD: Rejection Sensitivity, Emotional Hyperarousal

Although nobody likes the unpleasant feeling that follows rejection, it can be even more challenging for those with ADHD. Studies suggest that ADHD-driven emotional sensitivity in people makes them struggle to cope with rejection. This rejection may be as simple as having a friend say no to you or as big as not being accepted […]

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January 6, 2022
What Are Some Blueberry Allergy Symptoms?

Have you noticed itching and swelling after consuming a particular berry, more specifically blueberries? If yes, then you may be allergic to blueberries and you might not have known. This article will help you understand and manage blueberry allergy symptoms better. A person may become allergic to blueberries at any point in their life. For […]

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January 4, 2022
Improving Women’s Health With Preventive Care Services

Preventive care is important because it helps you and your healthcare provider detect and prevent serious health problems. For example, according to the World Health Organization, breast cancer is fatal for women aged between 20-59. However, most of these deaths are preventable by using precautionary techniques like regular mammograms and breast exams. Once detected early, […]

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December 30, 2021
What’s The Difference Between ADD And ADHD?

We often hear a typical story: a child might not perform well at school, may show distracted behavior, and act like anything the teacher has to say is useless. It’s dismissed chiefly as childish conduct, but occasionally, an inquisitive teacher might recommend the child be evaluated for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Although well-intentioned, this recommendation […]

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