

December 28, 2021
5 Stds You Can Have Without Any Symptoms

It is a common belief that once you have contracted an STD, you will naturally know about it when you start showing symptoms. However, this is not always the case. Many people have been reported to have silent STDs; STDs without symptoms. According to some studies, about 60 percent of patients suffering from any STD […]

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December 23, 2021
Omicron Variant: What You Need To Know

When the world finally began to return to normal, the discovery of the COVID–19 South Africa variant by Dr. Angelique Coetzee, Chair of the South African Medical Association, on November 14 spread a wave of panic across the globe. After being named Omicron, labeling it as a ‘variant of concern’ by the World Health Organization […]

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December 20, 2021
What Is Chronic Sinusitis And What Can You Do About It

Living with chronic sinusitis is an everyday battle. In chronic sinusitis, the symptoms are persistent and can often worsen. This hinders the patient’s ability to lead a normal day or week(s). They cannot focus on their daily activities or enjoy their time doing what they like the best, affecting their quality of life. In this […]

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December 17, 2021
Women’s Health Issues We Should Know: Breast Disorders

Did you recently discover a lump in your breast? Is your nipple secreting fluid spontaneously or on compression? Such findings can be scary if you have little prior knowledge of breast disorders, most of which are benign and harmless. In this article, we will discuss some common types of breast disorders, causes, and treatments, so […]

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December 14, 2021
What Does Rapid Cycling In Bipolar Disorder Feel Like?

Bipolar disorder (BP), previously known as manic-depressive disorder, is a psychological condition where the patient experiences extreme highs and lows (depression and mania). These aren’t just normal mood swings; these intense mood episodes can interfere with the patient’s everyday life and relationships. A patient typically experiences one or two episodes per year. A manic episode […]

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December 10, 2021
Understanding The Difference Between Allergies And Pink Eye

Waking up with an irritating pink eye is always a bummer. Since this infection is contagious, you are likely to skip your work or school day if you even suspect this to be a pink eye and not a regular seasonal allergy. Read on ahead about pink eye vs. allergies to understand the difference and […]

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December 7, 2021
How Do I Know If I Have Fungal Meningitis?

You’ve probably heard of fungal meningitis, but are you aware of how it is caused, and what are its symptoms? Read on to find out everything you need to know about fungal meningitis. What is meningitis? In the word meningitis, ‘mening-’ comes from the word meninges, which are the three membranes encasing the central nervous […]

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December 3, 2021
7 Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

You are likely to encounter a patient who suffers or has previously suffered from congestive heart failure (CHF) at least once in your life. Since this condition is very common, it is essential to have a general idea of how it is caused and what could be done to prevent heart conditions from turning into […]

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November 30, 2021
6 Types Of Anemia You Should Know About

Anemia is a red blood cell (RBC) disorder wherein the mass of circulating red blood cells is reduced. This may either be caused by: Change in the size of the RBCs, or Change in the number of circulating RBCs. Reduction in the mass of circulating RBCs directly affects the amount of oxygen being supplied to […]

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